Monday, October 18, 2010

Good Parenting Tips

• Love your children unconditionally - Express your love, consistently show it, say it, and mean it. Never assume they know you love them.

• Tell them often that you are happy to have them in your family.

• Hug them daily.

• Have regular family council - Involve your children in family conduct and responsibility decisions.

• Control your temper – Anger and contention causes broken hearts.

• Be willing to admit mistakes.

• Give them your time - Have a weekly family home evening.

• Learn how to effectively communicate with them.

• Plan one-on-one time - Invite your child to share what’s going on in their life. Don’t include any discipline during this visit! This must be a positive experience for them so they will want to share their feelings.

• Support them in their activities.

• Express love and show respect towards their mother/father - If you are a single parent, don’t be guilty of bad-mouthing the other parent in front of them.


The Phenomenal Mama said...

This post is a good reminder for all parents. We always have our kids' best interests at heart, but sometimes because of the busyness of everyday our actions might not seem to reflect that.

Chubskulit Rose said...

Thanks for these tips Chris.

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