Monday, November 15, 2010

A Big Change is Happening!

Here is a note to all my followers.. I will be migrating this blog to the Wordpress platform so I might be offline for a few days. I hope that you come visit me again after a few days and witness a big change here!


Here are some tips on how to recycle!

- If you read newspapers, please recycle them after use. Alternatively, read news online
- Set your printer to print double sided and buy recycled paper
- Recycle junk mail or reuse it as scratch paper
- Learn to ride your bike or public transportation—it helps reduce emissions.
- Buy local products – it cuts down on fuel to transport and supports our local community.
- Turn if off when not in use – lights, television, DVD player, computer, etc.
- Fill your dishwasher and washing machine with a full load – save water electricity and money on cleaners.
- Do your weekly shopping in a single trip to save on gas.
- Hang out clean laundry to dry on clear days rather than tumble drying it.
- Defrost your fridge and freezer regularly to keep it running efficiently.
- Get creative in your gift-giving—make your gifts or buy tickets to an event or movie or donate to a good cause.
- When your incandescent light burns out, replace them with low-energy compact fluorescent tubes.
- Use old calendars, colorful pictures, etc. to make your own envelopes.
- Don't let faucet taps leak or drip water. A running faucet uses 3-5 gallons a minute.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

One More Child?

The decision to have one more child depends on the family and each parent's circumstances and resources. Here are some points to consider when making that decision.

When children are widely spaced...
> Mother has more time to replenish lost blood and nutrients from the previous pregnancy and childbirth
> Mother can entertain the possibility of more stable employment
> Expenses are more gradual
> Parents have more time to enjoy and know the elder child
> Parents attention is less divided between children
> The older child can help in caring for new baby

When children are closely spaced...
> Children all grow up together and tend to be closer to one another
> Children grow up having a sibling and tend to socialize better
> Parents can use the same infant and toddler clothes and things
> Parents go through their child-rearing phase continuously
> Mother can resume a career sooner

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Renewing Your Wedding Vows

Renewing wedding vows can be a meaningful, touching, revivifying ceremony for you and your children, family and friends. As a married couple, it is a time to pause and reflect on where you have been and where you are going. It is also a wonderful example to set for your children and grandchildren. Can you imagine a more beautiful scene than children watching their parents joining hands and hearts as they affirm the magnitude and strength of their enduring love? What greater life/love lesson? I often say at these ceremonies: “True love does not wither or die. It merely ripens. ” Afterwards many couples comment as to how surprisingly romantic it all felt!

Wedding vow renewal ceremonies can be as creative and personal as you want them to be. Walk down the aisle to classical music and walk out to “your song”. Let the cover of your invitation feature your grandchild’s favorite drawing of Grandma and Pop Pop or even your first wedding portrait. Play your original wedding video at your reception. Buy new wedding bands for the occasion and have them specially engraved. Your ceremony should be less formal than a wedding - more casual and fun. It can completely reflect the two of you.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Whine Busters

If you have a toddler or preschooler at home, you know how whining can be irritating and maddening to a parent. So here are some suggestions to help you with your kid's whining:

> Find out what's wrong. Could the whining be brought about by physical discomfort? Maybe the child is tired, hungry or sick.
> Acknowledge the times he speaks appropriately. When a child asks in the appropriate manner, make sure to respond to him as soon as possible.
> Anticipate the problem. Knowing the circumstances which your child whines can help you pre-empt its occurence.
> Stop the whine as soon as it begins. Make sure your child knows that whining will get him nowhere and that you may actually give in to him if he talks calmly.
> Demonstrate a better way. Help the child identify his feelings by putting into words what he wants.
> Don't respond. Sometimes, the best reaction is no reaction.
> Calm yourself down.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Good Parenting Tips

• Love your children unconditionally - Express your love, consistently show it, say it, and mean it. Never assume they know you love them.

• Tell them often that you are happy to have them in your family.

• Hug them daily.

• Have regular family council - Involve your children in family conduct and responsibility decisions.

• Control your temper – Anger and contention causes broken hearts.

• Be willing to admit mistakes.

• Give them your time - Have a weekly family home evening.

• Learn how to effectively communicate with them.

• Plan one-on-one time - Invite your child to share what’s going on in their life. Don’t include any discipline during this visit! This must be a positive experience for them so they will want to share their feelings.

• Support them in their activities.

• Express love and show respect towards their mother/father - If you are a single parent, don’t be guilty of bad-mouthing the other parent in front of them.

Excellence or Perfection

Excellence is willing to be wrong,
Perfection is being right.

Excellence is risk,
Perfection is fear.

Excellence is powerful,
Perfection is anger and frustration.

Excellence is spontaneous,
Perfection is control.

Excellence is accepting,
Perfection is judgment.

Excellence is giving,
Perfection is taking.

Excellence is confident,
Perfection is doubt.

Excellence is flowing,
Perfection is pressure.

Excellence is journey,
Perfection is destination.

From Finding A Mentror, Being A Mentor